Institute for Economics and Forecasting Ukrainian National Academy of Science
Institute for Economics and Forecasting Ukrainian National Academy of Science
Bohdan Hawrylyshyn was born in Koroptsi village, Ternopyl region. Before the end of World War II he was brought to Germany, where later in refugees’ camp obtained secondary education. In 1947 left for Canada where he worked as a wood—cutter, then as a waiter and was the first of post-war immigrants who entered Toronto University. […]
The Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (was founded in October 1999 by top-ranking Ukrainian politicians and the German Advisory Group on Economic Reforms, which is part of Germany’s TRANSFORM programme. The Institute is jointly financed by the Ukrainian and the German Government. It is in full operation since July 1st, 2000. to establish […]
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Zerkalo nedeli Ukrainian political weekly, one of the most influential analytical periodicals in Ukraine The newspaper was established in 1994 in Kyiv. At first it was published in Russian and had a title «Zerkalo nedeli». Since 2002 the newspaper is being published in two languages – Russian and Ukrainian. Since 2001 the main articles are […]
SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ECONOMIC INSTITUTE (SRIE) Scientific and Research Economic Institute (SREI) was found in May 1962 as the main scientific institution for planning of economic and social development of Ukrainian Republic. Activities of the Institute are carried out according to the approved plans of research work on the basis of orders of the Ministry of […]
The Competitiveness Institute (TCI Barcelona) The global practitioners network for competitiveness, clusters and innovation. TCI is the leading global network for practitioners, policy makers, researchers and business leaders working towards improving competitiveness in regions and clusters. TCI is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, with a global scope, open to members from all countries throughout the private, […]