
In this section you can find publications of leading rating agencies, international organizations, analytical periodicals, experts who work on the problems of international competitiveness. Among them there are such as World Economic Forum, IMD, UN, OECD, World Bank etc. Starting from the point of view that international competition status of economic subjects is determined by the degree of their innovative competitive advantages realization we have collected a number of publications that are devoted to the innovation development issue. Besides presented materials reflect the idea of multilevel character of innovation advantages formation process: from micro level (some companies, R&D institutes, natural persons) – through meso level (regions, cities, clusters) – to macro and supranational level (countries, integration unions)


World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report
Travel & Tourism competitiveness Report
Global Information Technology Report 
Global Enabling Trade Report
Global Financial Development Report
Institute of management development World Competitiveness Yearbook
The World Bank Doing Business Report  
Export competitiveness  
World Development Report 
Global economic Prospects                 
Knowledge economy assessment
OECD Competition (topic)
Economics and Growth (topic)
Competitive regional clusters
Competitive cities in the global economy
Building competitive regions: strategy and governance
Staying competititve in the global economy
Competition, patents, innovation   
The interface between competition and consumer policy
Huggins Associates & Centre for International Competitiveness World Knowledge Competitiveness Report 2008 (2005,2004, 2003,2002)
European Competitiveness Index 2006 (2004)
UK Competitiveness Index 2006 (2005, 2002) 
European Futures
BIZPRO Ukraine: Competing in the Global Economy 
UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) UK Competitiveness: Moving to the next stage, 2003 
Competing in the Global Economy: Innovation Challenge 
Cluster guide 
The top 800 UK and 1250 Global companies by R&D 2006
The top 750 UK and 1000 Global companies by R&D 2005
National Competitiveness Council of Ireland Annual Competitiveness Report of Ireland
Discussion Papers on Wellbeing and Competitiveness
European Union European Competitiveness Report
Competitiveness of EU sectors 
European innovation Scoreboard 
Annual Report on Country Innovation Policy
European Cluster Memorandum 
Global Innovation Scoreboard 2006
Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2006
European Sectors Innovation Scoreboard 2005 
A study on the factors of regional competitiveness
Innovation Clusters in Europe
EU competition policy (official site)
Cluster Observatory Cluster Initiative Greenbook
Clusters in the 10-EU new member countries
Innovation Clusters in Europe: A Statistical anaysis and policy overview
The Competitiveness Institute The cluster policy Whitebook
UNIDO Principles for promoting clusters and networks of SME
Industrial clusters and networks
Global Cluster Initiatives Survey Cluster Initiatives in Developing and Transition Countries
Aho-group Creating an Innovative Europe
Leading company in a global age
The innovation imperative globalization and national competitiveness
Innovation policies in South Korea
The Swedish National Innovation System
Regional and National Cluster Profile
State of the region (competition and cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region)


Institute for strategy and competitiveness

European clusters
The development of cluster concept – present experience and further developments
Clusters and competitiveness
Competitiveness as an engine of growth (Saudi Arabia)
Competitiveness Index: Where America stand?
Competitiveness at the crossroads: choosing the future direction of the Russian economy
The Nordic globalization barometr 2008
The Baltic Sea Region as a Place for Doing Business


US Council on Competitiveness


Five for the future
Innovate America
Measuring Regional Innovation
Innovation clusters guide


United Nations


Human Development Report
Millenium Development Goal Report



World Investment Report (1991-2007)
Creative Economy
Competition Law and Policy (Programme)
Handbook on competition policy
WTO Trade Development Report (2003-2007)
Joint Venture Silicon Valley Network Silicon Valley Competitiveness Index
Jones Lang La Salle European regional growth index
PricewaterhouseCoopers Industry sector publications
Managing tomorrow’s people
Commercial Property Consultant European cities monitor
KPMG Cities in the new EU countries
NEO IT Global cities competitiveness
Global services confidence index
Competitiveness in emerging sector: Russian software industry
Fortune Fortune 500 company list
Freedom House Freedom in the World
Nations in Transit
Freedom of the Press
Fraser Institute Economic freedom of the world 2007
Transpatency International Corruption Perceptions Index
US Venture Capital Association Money Tree Report
NESTA Hidden Innovation in the Creative Industries
Total innovation Report
Creating Innovation
Beyond the Creative Industries
Effective Governance Fund The Competitiveness Index: methodology and countries ranking 2006-2007
National Institute for Strategic Studies Strategic priorities 
Vadim Hetman Kyiv National Economic University   Journal “International Economic Policy”
Publications of International Economy Department 
Council on National Competitiveness of Russia  Competitiveness Bulletin
National Institute of International Security Problems  Strategic Panorama Magazine