Mishchenko Alla, PhD in Political Science
Resume. The article is devoted to the exposure of mutual influence between the citizens’ erosion of trust to the inclusive institutes and forming of unrecognized territories in Ukraine. On the basis of interdisciplinary approach it has been well-proven that low level of vertical co-operation facilitates delegitimization of the transformed old and recently established inclusive institutes between the citizens and authority while in a crisis period (revolutions, putsches), a distrust assists the development of the secession movements in the most unsteady regions. In the meantime, the long period of inefficiency and central government oriented extractive institutes formed “society of lost faith” which allowed to consider Ukraine as the unique investigated object in Eastern Europe where legally-rational mechanisms of fight against a development of secession are of minimal result and need asymmetrical and non-discriminatory approaches in working with unrecognized and self-proclaimed territories.
There were certain factors, that, accordingly, influenced on forming of the unrecognized territories of modern Ukraine: a crisis of vertical trust, a dominant influence of extractive political and economic institutes, fight for the resource independence of the regions, an instigation and a support of the secessionist movements by the third party (Russia), informative centrist unilaterism in finding out the events and others like that. The important element of a research became the allocation of social groups, that name “secession orphans” (Crimean Tatars, the citizens of the occupied Donetsk and Luhansk territories) in Ukraine, that discriminate against self-proclaimed power, do not acknowledge its legality on realization of management territories and inclined to appeal to the justice of the parent state. The modern Ukrainian power recommends to apply systematic measures in the exposure of factors in discovering of vertical cooperation in tandem “citizen — state power” to avoid the further separatist’s moods in regions, to assist the change of the priorities on the development of state inclusive institutes through the liquidation of extractive, to search for the optimal forms of cooperation with citizens and representatives of the unrecognized territories, securing international law and support for geopolitical players.
Keywords: trust, inclusive and extractive institutes, unrecognized territories, secession movement.
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